Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Я нуждаюсь в деньгах

Я нуждаюсь в деньгах

     That's right. I'm going to Russia, more specificaly Vladivastok!!!!! I found out last night that I am so lucky to be part of an 8 person team traveling yet again to another continent. I cannot wait. I am 150% positive this is where the Lord wants me. He has already completely broken my heart for these people. I will be leaving in February for 7 intesnse and exhilirating weeks. Not to mention freezing. Oh and did I mention it's going to be absolutely freezing.
     On a slightly different note, it is also going to be rather pricey. For my ticket, visa, and general cost of living for 7 weeks, it is going about $4,000. $2,000 of this is due within the next two weeks! Yikes. No worries though beause this is where I am supposed to be and God is faithful. If you guys and gals would prayerfully consider giving toward this mission, it would be immensely appreciated. If you do find you want to give you can make the check out to Helping Hands Ministry with the memo line left blank. This will ensure tax credit.
     This is such an unbeleiveable chance to continentally be the Lord's hands and feet and just share the revelation of His love I have personally experienced. I am beyond grateful. The financial aspect is simply a small practicallity that He is in control of.

Did I mention how pumped I am. Also, if you were wondering what the rando Russian lingo at the top was, it simply states, "I NEED MONEY".



  1. Love the Russian! So excited that you are going to Russia!!! :)

  2. Awesome! I am so jealous! Giving money to Reggie on Tuesday! May your feet be swift and beautiful and may your hands move at the impulse of His love!
